Top Prescribers

  Feb 14th 2016

Nurse Practitioners and Physician Assistants are among the top prescribers for some drugs. For example, for Olysio (a hepatitis treatment), three of the top twelve prescribers on Medicare claims are Nurse Practitioners according to

Another example can be found in an article in New Hampshire Union Leader. According to it, the five highest-volume prescribers of opioids in New Hampshire are Nurse Practitioners and Physician Assistants who work at specialty pain clinics. This was determined from Medicare and Medicaid data where the top 25 prescribers of oxycodone HCL and Oxycontin in New Hampshire include twelve Nurse Practitioners, four Physician Assistants and only nine physicians.

What Does This Mean for You?

No matter what medication or medical device you are marketing, there are NPs and PAs you should be targeting. Create a campaign for those NPs and PAs in the specialty areas that matter to your business. Also, ask NP/PA Engage or your marketing company about List Match capabilities to directly match to NPs/PAs on your target list as well as NPs/PAs associated with your target MDs.

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